Club Support Program #
Club Support Package Overview
Local Athlete Member - $10
| Local Coach Member - $30
- Local Athlete and Coach Members do not have the ability to participate or coach in any USA Field Hockey Regional or National Events or Programs
- If an athlete or coach wants to participate in a National or Regional Event or Program, he/she will need a U-12, U-19, Adult, Coach or Umpire Membership
Club Support Package Benefits for Clubs
- Lower cost for athletes to participate reduces the barrier to entry
- This will help clubs grow and help grow the game
- USA Field Hockey has a new incentive program for clubs to help decrease the cost of the memberships even more
- For every Local Athlete Member that becomes a U-12, U-19, Adult (National) or Local Coach that becomes a National Coach Member will receive the money back that they paid for these members. (i.e., $10.00 per athlete and $30.00 per coach)
- Club Owners will have the peace of mind knowing that their athletes and coaches are covered under Participant Accident Insurance and that their club is covered under General Liability Insurance
- Also, by only requiring that athletes sign a waiver prior to going through a trial or participating in a practice for the first time, USA Field Hockey is also reducing the barrier to entry once again. This will allow athletes to be covered by insurance without having to have a National Membership.
Fees Associated with Local Membership for Clubs
- USA Field Hockey Clubs will pay $10.00 per athlete and $30.00 per coach for the local membership
- USA Field Hockey Clubs will still pay the $295.00 club fee - this covers their General Liability Insurance
- Club Owner/Administrator must be a National Level Coach Member
Example of Club Fees
Hawaii Field Hockey Club has 150 athletes and 10 coaches. Hawaii Field Hockey Club will purchase a club membership ($295.00) plus they will purchase 150 local athletes ($1,500.00) plus 10 local coach ($300.00) for a total of $2,095.00.
The $2,095.00 that Hawaii Field Hockey Club is paying will include Participant Accident Insurance for all their athlete and coach members as well as General Liability Insurance for their club.
Hawaii Field Hockey then has 100 local athletes and 5 local coach members become National Level Members (U-12, U-19, Coach, Umpire). USA Field Hockey will reimburse Hawaii Field Hockey Club a total of $1,150.00.
Next Steps for Clubs
To enroll in the program please reach out to
Feel free to reach out with any questions. USA Field Hockey's Membership Department hopes this program will help clubs reduce costs and to reduce the barriers to entry for athletes.