Indoor Hockey
Indoor field hockey, often referred to simply as "indoor,” is an official game format for inside play that has slightly different rules and equipment, including side boards. Indoor is growing in popularity around the world for both recreational play and international competition, particularly in climates where outdoor play is not possible year round.
Indoor is officially a small-sided 6v6 game, which makes it a great game for development. Modifications to the size of the court, number of players, positions and equipment are encouraged to suit the stage of development of the athletes. Many new to field hockey confuse “indoor” with field hockey played inside, but the two different, but complementary games. Some prefer indoor to traditional outdoor field hockey, and most believe indoor to be good for outdoor skill development.
USA Field Hockey’s largest annual event is the National Indoor Tournament. National Indoor Tournament Qualifiers are held throughout the country for the U-16 and U-19 Girls divisions. Other divisions including U-10 Co-Ed, U-12 Co-Ed, U-14 Girls, U-19 Boys, Adult Men and Women can compete in the National Indoor Tournament by registering and do not have to qualify.