2024 Sunshine Showcase Guest Player List
Guest players will be accepted for the 2024 Sunshine Showcase. Below is a list of all available athletes looking to participate with a team. If you are an athlete looking to get added to this list, please fill out this form by clicking here.
**Being added to this list does not guarantee a placement on a team. If you have been contacted by a team or wish to be removed please email communications@usafieldhockey.com.
If you are a club that picks up a guest player, please email USA Field Hockey the athlete that you contacted so that we can remove her from the list.
U-10 Co-Ed 7v7 #
Name | Gender | Position | Club | |
Brinkley Fowble | Female | Forward/Midfield | Hymax | BrinkleyFowble@gmail.com |
Jacy Gabrish | Female | Midfield/Defense | Hymax | dtmarcus7@hotmail.com |
Maeley Gabrish | Female | ForwardMidfield | Hymax | dtmarcus7@hotmail.com |
Maely McCormick | Female | Forward/Midfield | Marojoka | mccormickcara10@gmail.com |
Poppy Riches | Female | Any | - | bjmriches@gmail.com |
Chanel Roundy | Female | Forward/Midfield | Pine Tree Premier | Lisa@roundyspaving.com |
Evyn Weitzel | Female | Defense | Next Level (PA) | joshuaweitzel@gmail.com |
Aria Werner | Female | Any | Upper Mount Bethel Township | Melissa.s.piggott@gmail.com |
U-12 Co-Ed 7v7 #
Name | Gender | Position | Club | |
Reagan Bukovinsky | Female | Goalkeeper | TCOYO | Daniellec_14@yahoo.com |
Charlee Cenci | Female | Forward/Midfield | Krossfire FHC | Cencifam@gmail.com |
Elliot Francis | Female | Forward/Midfield | Panthers United | Jodylaurafrancis@gmail.com |
Clara Ines Murman Godoy | Female | Midfield | Key Biscayne | Danielagodoyyanes@gmail.com |
Ava Roundy | Female | Forward | Pine Tree Premier | Lisa@roundyspaving.com |
Bentley Roundy | Female | Midfield | Pine Tree Premier | Lisa@roundyspaving.com |
Emma Shellenberger | Female | Forward/Midfield | Next Level (PA) | dfhcoach4@gmail.com |
Beckham Steiner | Male | Forward | Colorado Bears | Kristin.abernethy@gmail.com |
Abigail Van de Braak | Female | Forward/Midfield | Hawks | michelle@sfyouthfieldhockey.com |
Evyn Weitzel | Female | Defense | Next Level (PA) | joshuaweitzel@gmail.com |
U-14 Co-Ed 7v7 #
Name | Gender | Position | Club | |
Zachary Canaday | Male | Forward/Midfield | Saints FHC | ann_canady@yahoo.com |
Miriam Levy | Female | Goalkeeper | Panthers United | Murphy@piratequeenfitness.com |
Susie Mackie | Female | Midfield | St. Louis FHC | Snm_mackie@sbcglobal.net |
U-16 Girls 11v11 #
Taylor Akers | Goalkeeper | Hammers | Sirenaakers@gmail.com |
Sofia Betelu | Forward | St. Catherines FH | sofiacastro602351@gmail.com |
Bella Biezad | Midfield/Defense | PAAC | adpotami24@gmail.com |
Vivian Chambers | Goalkeeper | Focus | jnchambers36@gmail.com |
Lucy Demcsak | ForwardMidfield | Metro HC | Lesliedemcsak@gmail.com |
Ava DePaoli | Forward/Midfield | WC Eagles | amydepaoli@gmail.com |
Sarah DeScenza | Goalkeeper | FHCC | Sarah072508@gmail.com |
Taylor Ebert | Goalkeeper | WC Eagles | Alisonm62@hotmail.com |
Victoria Eidam | Midfield/Defense | WC Eagles | hilaryeidam@gmail.com |
Sophie Freyer | Forward/Midfield | Colorado Bears | Andifreyer@gmail.com |
Ryann Giannini | Forward/Midfield | Pinoke Amsterdam | ryannegiannini@gmail.com |
Sophia Gonzales | Forward/Midfield/Defense | Knights FHC | sophiagonzales007@icloud.com |
U-16 Girls 11v11 (cont.) #
Avery Heist | Midfield/Defense | DE Sharks | averyeheist@icloud.com |
Safia Huggi | Goalkeeper | PG Invasion | Safia.huggi@gmail.com |
Abigail Juarez | Goalkeeper | LA Riptide | Ajuarez1@hwemail.com |
Samantha Krall | Forward/Midfield | Bison FH | bkrall@miltonsd.org |
Elleana McConnell | Forward | Bison FH | mcconnl@ptd.net |
Scarlet McDermott | Forward/Midfield | SJ Edge | chrissymcd@gmail.com |
Hannah Pawlowski | Midfield/Defense | Buffalo Hurricanes | hannahelise36@icloud.com |
Lily Pearl | Forward/Midfield | Windy City | Lilypearl821@gmail.com |
Aubree Popen | Midfield | N/A | apopen25@saintursula.org |
Vivienne Quinn | Forward/Midfield | WC Eagles | vivienne.quinn29@gmail.com |
Piper Raymond | Goalkeeper | Rob Short FH Academy | taniwa9@gmail.com |
Liliana Rose | Midfield/Defense | Pittsburgh Venom | Krr@rosefg.com |
Karaline Schmoyer | Midfield/Defense | High Styx | karaline.schmoyer@gmail.com |
Nadya Shenk | Defense | State College Blue Lions | nadyashenk189@gmail.com |
Kailyn Smith | Midfield | Mayhem | kqsmith05@gmail.com |
Makayla Shoaf | Goalkeeper | Maryland Legacy | joelshoaf81@gmail.com |
Sarah Southerland | Forward | HS Team | valeriesoutherland1@gmail.com |
Rebecca Viands | Forward/Midfield | Central Penn FH | Beccaviands084@gmail.com |
Mariah Villeda | Defense | Spirit of USA | mvilleda1225@gmail.com |
U-19 Girls 11v11 #
Adelaide Babbage-Hockey | Midfield/Defense | Ryde Hunters Hill HC | adelaide.babbagehockey@gmail.com |
Michela Barr-Gutierrez | Goakeeper | Performance FH | micabarrg@gmail.com |
Kate Bass | Forward/Midfield | High Styx | Katebass29@gmail.com |
Brianna Boomhower | Midfield/Defense | - | boombri98@icloud.com |
Emma Bowden | Forward/Midfield | Maine Styx | Emmab2025@icloud.com |
Haley Choi | Forward/Midfield | Metro HC | haleychoi2222@gmail.com |
Benna Clark | Goalkeeper | UPRISE | Dfarengoclark@gmail.com |
Emma Cocina | Defense | Club San Carlos | emmacoci2006@gmail.com |
Lilly Cook | Midfield/Back | Patriot | Lillygcook@gmail.com |
Mehr Dhami | Defense | Lightning | mehrkdhami@gmail.com |
Julia Donovan | Defense | Baystate FHC | juldon22@gmail.com |
Calezia Dow | Forward | - | dcalezia@gmail.com |
Ryan Druhot | Midfield/Defense | Panthers United | druhotr@gmail.com |
Aurora Duffie | Goalkeeper | Panthers United | auroraduffie2025@gmail.com |
Isabella Elm | Midfield | Pittsburgh Venom | Isabella.elm.2025@gmail.com |
Addison Evanfeliiu | Goalkeeper | Jersey Intensity | Jevangeliou@gmail.com |
Addison Fowble | Forward | South Carroll | Brinkleyfowble@gmail.com |
Sophia Gonzales | Midfield | San Marcos Knights | sophiagonzales007@icloud.com |
Nicki Hinze | Foward | San Marcos Knights | njjtank@gmail.com |
Maryam Huggi | Goalkeeper | PG Invasion | Maryam.huggi@gmail.com |
Cali Hyman | Goalkeeper | Focus FH | Hymancali@gmail.com |
Sophie Krauss | Goalkeeper | N/A | skrauss@vt.ewsd.org |
Avery Laskey | Defense | Souderton Strikers | Daniellelasky@yahoo.com |
U-19 Girls 11v11 (cont.) #
Abbie Mahoney | Midfield/Defense | Freedom HKY | Abbieggirl@icloud.com |
Alexa Murphy | Goalkeeper | Panthers United | Murphyfamrva@gmail.com |
Emilia Napolitano | Forward | Mid-Jersey Knights | heather.t.napolitano@gmail.com |
Saraya Nelson | Goalkeeper | Knights FHC | saraya.hockey@gmail.com |
Mikayla O'Connor | Defense | AGH | kaylab0123@icloud.com |
Julianna Presgraves | Midfield/Defense | Maryland Legacy | t_presgraves@yahoo.com |
Pam Reitz-Bouren | Goalkeeper | New Heights | Ava.Reitz.bouren202 |
Madeleine Roundy | Midfield | Maine Rapids Black Bear Elite | Lisa@roundyspaving.com |
Clare Stewart-Selvan | Midfield | No Club | stewartselvanc@gmail.com |
Reagan Street | Forward/Midfield | Chico Hotshots | russellstr@gmail.com |
Laura Valkanas | Defense | Bay State FHC | Lauraval258@gmail.com |
Alana Werwa | Goalkeeper | Mid-Jersey Knights | lawerwa@gmail.com |
Ella Williams | ForwardMidfield | East End |