Behind the Whistle

Behind the Whistle: Quick Quiz


by USA Field Hockey

Each week, USA Field Hockey's Umpiring Department will provide video clips for educational purposes on recent plays/calls.

Pop quiz time! Test your knowledge on these following scenarios.

Question 1. Answer… Any color if agreed between the teams…Rule 4.7…The ball is spherical, hard and white (or an agreed color which contrasts with the playing surface).

Question 2 Answer…Goal and Halftime…Rule 13.4…The match is prolonged at the end of each quarter to allow completion of a penalty corner or any subsequent penalty corner or penalty stroke…Guidance: All of the parameters of a Penalty corner must be met before the period is officially over.

Question 3 Answer…A restart for the attacking team at the 23m / 25 yd line…Rule 7.3.b… if played unintentionally by a defender or deflected by a goalkeeper, play is re-started with the ball on the 23 meters line and in line with where it crossed the back- line and the procedures for taking a free hit apply. With the ball being placed on the line, the re-start is effectively within the 23 meters area and the provisions for taking a free hit are applicable.

Question 4 Answer…Any Height…Rule 13.3.k… if the first shot at goal is a hit (as opposed to a push, flick or scoop), the ball must cross the goal-line, or be on a path which would have resulted in it crossing the goal-line, at a height of not more than 460 mm (the height of the backboard) before any deflection, for a goal to be scored. The requirements of this Rule apply even if the ball touches the stick or body of a defender before the first shot at goal. If the first shot at goal is a hit and the ball is, or will be, too high crossing the goal-line it must be penalized even if the ball is subsequently deflected off the stick or body of another player. The ball may be higher than 460 mm during its flight before it crosses the goal-line provided there is no danger and provided it would drop of its own accord below 460 mm before crossing the line.

Question 5 Answer…Both B and D above…(b. Anywhere in the circle and d. At the spot of the foul or in line with where the foul occurred up to the top of the circle) Rule13.1.b… a free hit awarded to the defense within 15 meters of the back-line is taken up to 15 meters from the back- line in line with the location of the offence, parallel to the side-line A free hit to the defense awarded in the circle may be taken anywhere in the circle.

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