PHOTO GALLERY: Congratulations 2021 U-14 Girls NIT Medalists


by USA Field Hockey

Photos Taken by Patrick Blain#

92 photos

LANCASTER, Pa. - Hockey is finally back! For the first time in a year, teams took to the courts at Spooky Nook Sports this past weekend for the 2021 U-14 Girls National Indoor Tournament (NIT), presented by YOLO Sportswear! The last four days saw nonstop competition as teams battled to be named pool champions.

Many memorable moments were had by all and USA Field Hockey's event photographer Patrick Blain was there to capture the action. Check out some of USA Field Hockey's favorites in the photo gallery above and click here to view the full gallery that features more than 2,900 images that are available for purchase.

U-14 Girls NIT attendees can still order game, highlight and recruiting video packages from Touchline VideoThere are options to purchase everything from a single game, all the way through to a full team highlight package that includes basic highlights for each member on the team. Take advantage of these professionally recorded and edited deals. Click here to find out more.

Health and safety precautions were followed all weekend long, as USA Field Hockey ensured a safe return to play with the health, safety and well-being of all participants as the primary focus.

USA Field Hockey would like to congratulate this year's U-14 Girls NIT Pool Champions!

 Pool A: WC Eagles Diamonds Pool N: Viper Red
 Pool B: Freedom HKY Nike Pool O: Souderton Strikers Red
 Pool C: WC Eagles Gold Pool P: Majestyx FHC Grape
 Pool D: WC Eagles Red Pool Q: PA Accelerated
 Pool E: Metro HC Lightning Pool R: HUSEL
Pool F: WC Eagles Ruby Pool S: Norlanco Stix Typhoon
 Pool G: Spirit of USA Black Pool T: IFHCK Ice
 Pool H: Electric Surge Black Pool U: Alley Cats
 Pool I: Gottaloveit! Steel Pool V: Team AGH III
 Pool J: NJ Grit Diamond Pool W: PA Elite FHC Forest Green
 Pool K: IFHCK Spirit Pool X: Stick Power Elite Black
 Pool L: New Jersey Starz Blue Pool Y: Recon
 Pool M: Stealth Comets 

25 photos

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