PHOTO GALLERY: Congratulations to the 2022 U-14 Girls NIT Medalists


by USA Field Hockey

Images Taken by Mark Palczewski#

220 photos

LANCASTER, Pa. – The first National Indoor Tournament (NIT), presented by YOLO Sportswear, is in the books! The U-14 Girls division wrapped up yesterday at Spooky Nook Sports in Lancaster, Pa. after four days of nonstop competition as teams battled to be named Pool Champions.


Many memorable moments were had by all, and USA Field Hockey's event photographer Mark Palczewski was there to capture the action. Check out some of USA Field Hockey's favorites in the photo gallery above and click here to view the full gallery that features more than 1,000 images that are available for purchase.



USA Field Hockey would like to congratulate this year's U-14 Girls NIT Pool Champions!

A: WC Eagles Diamonds Q: HUSEL
B: Spirit of USA Stars R: Summit Liberty
C: Windy City Whiteout S: Next Level Blue
D: CPFH Purple T: Hammers Gold
E: WC Eagles Gold U: Shore Byrds Cardinals
F: Freedom HKY Tornado V: IFHCK Ice
G: IFHCK Fire W: Washington Wolves
H: Freedom HKY Cyclone X: Alley Cats Orange
I: Metro HC Jaguars Y: Seacoast Field Hockey Blue
J: WC Eagles Blue Z: Horizon Blue
K: Southern Maryland Eliminators Pink AA: Empower Netherlands
L: PA Power BB: Alley Cats White
M: H2O
CC: Typhoon Elite
O: DE Sharks EE: Shore Byrds Orioles
P: NJ Starz Blue FF: HTC

All photographs appearing on this site are property of USA Field Hockey. They are protected by U.S. Copyright Laws, and are not to be downloaded, reproduced or used in any way without the written permission of USA Field Hockey.


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2022 U-14 Girls NIT Pool Champions#

32 photos

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