Athlete Bio#
Columbia, MD
Long Reach High School (Columbia, MD) University of Maryland, College Park
Son of Mike and Josie Zayac...Siblings are Brad and Carly ...Nicknames are Andy and Shamu...Began playing field hockey in 1997...Game Day Mantra: "Let’s do this!"...Favorite Sports Quote: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the things you did do.” – Mark Twain (Displayed on the wall at the Olympic Training Center)...Best Words of Advice: "Live every week like it’s shark week."Career Highlights
- 2015: European Tour (Den Hague, The Netherlands & Antwerp, Belgium)
- 2014: Summer series against Argentina, Chile and Mexico (Chula Vista, Calif.)
- 2012: California Cup Men’s Super Championship (Moorpark, Calif.)
- 2011: California Cup Men’s Super Championship (Moorpark, Calif.)
- 2010: Joined U.S. Men's National Team
- 2009: Junior World Cup (20th, Johor Baharu, Malaysia)
- 2008: Junior Pan American Championship (3rd, Port of Spain, Trinidad)
- 2005: Junior Pan American Championship (4th, Havana, Cuba)