State Chapters are volunteer-led extensions of USA Field Hockey and its 501c3 charitable status, sharing responsibility for serving their local field hockey communities. This includes its various constituent clubs, schools and organizations and all stakeholder groups including players, parents, fans, coaches, umpires, program leaders, teams, leagues, donors and sponsors.

State Chapters are partners in USA Field Hockey’s efforts to promote and develop the game for future generations to enjoy. USA Field Hockey’s mission is to Grow the Game, Serve Members and Succeed Internationally. State Chapters focus on growing the game and inspiring and serving membership in their state, while developing their field hockey stakeholders to succeed both on and off the field.

In 2019, USA Field Hockey launched the first pilot State Chapter in Michigan. In 2020, California and Kentucky were added and in 2021 North Carolina and South Carolina were added.

Click Here to View the Individual State Chapters

  • Why State Chapters?

    USA Field Hockey recognizes that sustaining and growing a sport in the United States requires effective sports leaders. Exponential growth can only occur when national, regional and local sports leaders work together, adopting and applying shared goals, values and development philosophies.

    Field hockey is a sport for all and a sport for life, and yet how it is enjoyed throughout the United States is very different. As a result, each area of the country has unique opportunities and challenges. It is USA Field Hockey’s vision that engaging and empowering volunteers at the state level will result in exponential growth and increased interest and investment on behalf of all stakeholders. The foundational structure of State Chapters will create fluid communication between USA Field Hockey and leaders who share the goal of promoting and developing field hockey for future generations to enjoy.

    USA Field Hockey would like to thank all the State Chapter volunteers. If you are interested in learning more about State Chapters and want to start a chapter in your state, please email

  • State Chapters Helping to Grow the Game

    State Chapters allow leaders with local knowledge and expertise to be supported by established structures to achieve maximum impact when growing the game. The usage of State Chapters and regional representation has shown to effectively grow the sport in other National Governing Bodies of Sport.

    State Chapters…

    • Encourage collaboration and knowledge-sharing for grassroots growth
    • Improve utilization of great programming, tools, and resources in the community
    • Drive new athletes to existing programs, schools, and clubs
    • Improve communication and connection within the field hockey community and with key stakeholders

Expansion Goal: Establish a State Chapter in every state by the end of 2024, with active field hockey in every state by the end of 2028.

USA Field Hockey
  1.  Throw a wide net of outreach to community to get involved
  2. Hold informational webinars on opportunities
  3. Volunteers step forward
  4. Leaders elected
  5. Leaders become established, fill committees
  6. Develop and execute on State Chapter Strategic Plan

State Chapters can't thrive without YOUR support.

Get involved! When your State Chapter launches, you can help support its growth by taking the following steps:

  • Take a position or join a committee
  • Send recommendations of strong leaders for any open roles
  • Encourage your network and alumni to get involved
  • Support, promote, and partner with your state chapter leaders
  • Help support the Strategic Growth Plan
  • Give insight, provide feedback, and ask questions by emailing


  • State Chapter Guide

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