If your question is not answered below, please contact membership@usafieldhockey.comand the Membership Department will be happy to assist.
The benefits of club membership with USA Field Hockey can be found by clicking here.
To purchase a membership for your field hockey club, it costs $295.00.
Club memberships expire one year from when they are purchased.
General Liability and General Liability Additionally Insured certificates of insurance with standard limits are no cost to your club. If you require a level of coverage exceeding the standard limits, there may be additional fees. You can view the specific General Liability Limits by clicking here.
In order for the club’s general liability insurance to be valid, ALL participants in club activities must be individual members of USA Field Hockey.
No. For more information on the Club Affiliation policy click here.
The Club Administrator of your club is whoever purchased the initial club membership. Yes, there can be more than one. Please email membership@usafieldhockey.com to add an administrator to your club's account.
If you are the Club Administrator, log into your personal account with USA Field Hockey and use the links on the left-hand side under the My Club Area. Only Club Administrators can view and update this information.
Clubs with expired memberships will not show up on the listing of clubs. You may need to renew your club's membership.
Your club's information can be found by clicking here.